June 23, 2011

daily favorite four

i have a lot of buds who've been posting some incredible blogs lately about their favorite things. i love reading these lists and checking out things i haven't seen before. here are four of my favorites, that i use every day.

kiehl's cucumber face wash
ahhh! it's glorious!

i adore this product, as well as kiehl's. a friend introduced me to this line about two years ago, and i've been a kiehl's snob ever since. i use their shampoos, lotions, mascara...everything. it's fabulous and does great things for my skin!

common book of prayer app
those that know me well, know that i really get into and dig the liturgy. there's an ancient prayer service at st. david's downtown that i used to frequent, as well as their fantastic book store. i love this app because it's easy to use and gives a different reading every day from the OT, NT, gospel and psalms.

my glourious kitchen-aid stand mixer
my husband will tell you he thinks my first love is the crock pot. it's a toss up, but isn't she gorgeous?

okay, that one is just a picture from crate and barrel, but it's the exact one we were gifted for our wedding. i have never imagined loving a kitchen appliance so much, but i use this almost every single day. my christmas wish-list is for a second bowl so i can use it even MORE! without having to wash and dry the bowl in between things. hehe.

texas daily harvest's drinkable blackerry yogurt
the blueberry and strawberry (which is sugar free!) are great too, but there's something about the sourness of this that makes my taste buds really happy.

i get this treat from our local grocery delivery service, greenlings, and was surprised to learn that these products are made from the finest jersey cows in yantis, texas. that's about ten minutes from my home town! we used to be the dairy capital of the world. in fact, we have a dairy festival every summer, and yes...there is even a dairy festival queen.

what are your favorites, friends?


  1. I love the drinkable yogurt you gave me, so yummy! :) I think I'll make a favorites part on my blog soon & share w you. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. HOORAY!!!

    i'm going to go drink some yogurt, now.
