December 29, 2012

Saturday Brunch

We got in the habit somehow, of doing breakfast up big on Saturdays. I am not complaining because it is one of my favorite things to do! It's mostly just the two of us, but we bust out the champagne and make special things like cinnamon rolls from scratch, french toast, piles of bacon--the works. And all while we are in our PJ's, because everything tastes better that way!

The last time we did this, our great friends Justin and Bri were visiting. It's been a while! So we decided to resurrect this tradition with our wonderful neighbors and friends, Joey and Scottie. They are such fun company and we always have the best conversations. Slowly and surely we are meeting more and more people in our 'hood, and I love it! It's so wonderful, to have people almost right next door that you really enjoy.

They spoiled us pretty big and brought over GF French Toast, Veggie Patties and a delicious fruit salad. DROOL. I love any reason to decorate up our table, so it was a wonderful combination. Here are a few pictures of our brunch!

The table! Heart.

Mint and lemon water is one of my most favorite things ever. So we served this up, and also roasted pears, goat cheese and hot tea.

When I first moved to Austin, I purchased a FABULOUS set of tea cups with the seven deadly sins written on them. They are fantastic, and I hardly ever get to use them. Today was the perfect day! I had sloth. Ha.

My plate. Oh the joy!

Thanks for reading!


  1. That breakfast looks magical! That's such a fun idea to invite neighbors over! Did you guys all wear your pjs? I think I would make it a requirement...

  2. How fun! And your presentation is exquisite- I cannot get things to look nice for the life of me.
